
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Season 3 is Over!

This is me when someone tells a season of The Walking Dead is over.
So tonight's episode was the finale of Season 3. There were indeed some waterworks turned on. I was bawling, especially the last few scenes of Andrea and Milton. Just the way they went out made me sad. I did not want to them go! There was only one thought on my mind throughout the episode: "I want to punch the Governor in the throat!" He such an evil man! It is sad that the most evil thing in world of zombies is not a zombie, but a man. I cannot wait until season 4. I wonder what is in stored for the Governor? Will he get his revenge, die, or loose his other eye? Or maybe get punched in the throat? Well I will never know... until October! Seven months until season 4 comes out. I do not know if I can do it. Seven months without walkers, and oh my gosh, seven months without Daryl! These are going to be the longest seven months of my life! What am I going to do with my life?!

Season 3 Ep. 16: Welcome to the Tombs

The most telling line in "The Walking Dead" Season 3 finale came from the Governor: "In this life now, you kill or die. OR you die and you kill." 

At first, I did not understand what the Governor meant when he said those words. Tonight's season finale made everything clear. I no longer have any confusion about the quote. It all made sense when Carl said similar words. He sounded exactly like the Governor, and that is not a good thing.

In this episode, Carl starts developing his own version of the Governor's character. He does not trust anyone. Because of all the deaths Carl has witnessed, he is not hesitant to kill when he sees a threat. So far Carl has shot and killed one person. He was quick to shoot Morgan (who was wearing armor at the time), and quick to gun down a young runaway solider of the Governor's army. When Carl shot Jody, I was stunned. In my head, I thought "Why on Earth would Carl do that?!" Then later in the episode, it became clear to me. He still feels guilt over what happened to Dale ( he never told anyone he saw the walker that killed Dale) and blames his father for the deaths of Lori and Merle. Rick didn't kill Andrew and the Governor, therefore Lori and Merle died. I understand, now, that Carl does not want anyone to die, in means of his group, so he kills others to prevent his people from dying. Another person who did not want anyone to die was Andrea. She went through a lot to keep Rick and the group alive, and the people at Woodbury. It was funny because Andrea was in the same situation. She had an opportunity to kill the Governor, but she did not. Therefore, Milton and a majority of people from Woodbury died. And in the end, she paid the ultimate price: her life. If she would have killed the Governor, we would be seeing Milton, the people from Woodbury, and Andrea in season 4! Instead, we will be seeing a bond between Rick's group and the leftover people from Woodbury (people in which Rick's group saved). 


Monday, March 25, 2013

Season 3 Ep. 15: The Sorrowful Life

Oh my gosh! Last night's episode was definitely a surprise. I did not expect Merle to do what he did. Him letting Michonne go was the nicest thing he has ever done in the entire series. To be honest, I kind of started liking him after that. I knew there was some good in him. It just took three seasons for him to show it, and it also took him three seasons to go. I did not see that coming, nor did Daryl. As soon as I saw Daryl's expression when he saw his brother, a little piece of me wanted to cry...okay, I did cry. If I was in Daryl's position, I would runaway. I would not have the guts to kill my brother if he turned. I would either run, or most likely probably get bit. Then I could be a walker with my brother, and we could be walkers together!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Dixon Addiction

Everyone has their favorite character in any television series. Like many other fans, my favorite character is Daryl Dixon. If something happened to him, I would stop watching the show. He goes, I go. Okay, I'm lying. I would just cry for a very long time or I would join others, and we would RIOT! I could not have said it any better or would want it any other way. If Daryl goes down, someone else is going down as well. Someone is going to pay, for sure.

Why Daryl's my favorite List


- goes hunting
- kills zombies
- consoles women (Carole's case)
- gives flowers, way before Bruno Mars (If I was your man        
   lyrics reference)
- uses a crossbow (very manly)
- rides a motorcycle (macho man)
- good with children (he's a keeper!)
     > looks for Sophia, doesn't give up
     > holds and feeds a newborn

- none

 If you ask me, he is the perfect package!

Season 3 Ep. 14: Prey

This was an intense episode. Andrea finally had the guts to ditch the Governor. She left him but that didn't last long. He tracked her down. They end up playing a game of cat and mouse in an abandoned warehouse. I have to admit it was pretty scary. It turned into the scariest game of hide and seek. Andrea eventually finds an escape up a stairwell. She opens the door and finds a cluster of zombies! She closes the door and the Governor is right behind her. She then does the smartest thing she has ever done in the entire series: she opens and hides behind the door, as the zombies make their way towards the Governor. I was cheering for the zombies. I'm sad to say the Governor got away and captured Andrea. Unfortunately, she ended up his torture chambers. It kind of reminded me of Saw. If it is anything like Saw, I feel sorry for Andrea.

Five Reasons to Get on Board

If you do not watch The Walking Dead, then you should...just watch it! There is no other choice. You will be hooked. It has everything combined in one series. It is full of romance, suspense, thriller, drama, horror, and even comedy. What more could you ask for? Reasons? Well, here are five great reasons you should watch The Walking Dead:

Daryl Dixon doing his thing, killing zombies and what not.
1. You will be one mean killing zombie machine! The show turns out to be a great doomsday prepper considering if a zombie apocalypse were to ever happen...survival tips can be learned through this show: looking for food, shelter, resources, weapons, and fighting skills. Maybe not in a zombie outbreak, but in a natural disaster these tips could be helpful. But going back to the zombie apocalypse idea, if it were to happen, just imagine you could be fighting along with this guy.

2. You will appreciate Life. The people in the Atlanta were not warned. They had to up and leave everything. They had to say good bye to the luxury things in life such as taking showers, clothes, ipods, phones etc. They have to sacrifice their life for food, even for a can of beans! They can't sleep or wash their clothes when they want or simply go to a grocery store. Oh, I do not know why, maybe because there are dead people who want to eat their brains! I appreciate my life, thank you very much! 

3. Easy to catch up on. It is never too late to start watching. It is only Season 3. Season 1 and Season 2 are indeed available on Netflix! and if you do not have Netflix I am 100% positive there are free episodes on the internet. Even on Youtube, you can watch clip after clip! It is that simple! You will catch up as fast as the rate these guys are  running.

4. It is exciting! Whoever told you it's a boring series, they must not like big butts because they are lying (Sir Mix-a-Lot reference). These are ordinary people, not killers. The things they do to survive are in fact crazy and unpredictable. You never know what's going to happen next. 

5. You won't be left out. More and more people are catching on. They have finally realized that this is the greatest television series in the world! In conversations, The Walking Dead somehow comes up. Lets say your friends are talking about it. They're having a blast. They ask you "do you watch The Walking Dead?" and you, just standing there, say "Yeaaahh?" Well, if you watched The Walking Dead, you would never be in that kind of situation EVER!